Have you ever wished you had a place to save all your favourite online porn that you’ve collected from sites like Xtube, Gaytube, Pornhub and MachoMoe, and then be able to instantly access it from where ever you are, whenever you want to?
Well now you can thanks to PinGay.com, a new, totally free website that enables you to build up your own online porn collections. Once you join and become a ‘PinGr’, you can start creating your own ‘boards’ by ‘pinning’ your favourite photos, videos and gifs and have free online access to them forever.
And because PinGay’s a social network site, you can ‘follow’ other PinGrs and share your collections with guys who’ve got similar tastes to you. Search through all the porn that’s on the PinGay site via 38 categories which have been divided into two sections, Vanilla and Extreme.
Vanilla contains categories such as Blow Jobs, Celebrities, Jerk Off, Jocks and Muscle, while Extreme contains ones like Bare Back, Sub/Dom, Feet, Fisting, Gang Bang and Thugs/Punks. So join PinGay and start creating your ultimate online porn collection.