Are you HIV positive? Are you newly-diagnosed and scared? Have you got bad self-image? Or maybe you’re in a long-term routine of destructive behaviour and can’t find a way out? 

    A new book by health and lifestyle writer, Paul Thorn, aims to challenge some of the negative thinking commonly held by people living with HIV, and offers helpful tips to getting started on a better life path.

    Entitled HIV Happy, it’s an easy-to-read self-help guide, in which long-term HIV survivor Paul shares his sometimes painful experiences, from the despair and self-destruction after being diagnosed HIV-positive when he was in his late teens, through to hope and setting out on a new road of living positively with the virus, but also explains how a harmonious and happy co-existence with HIV is possible.

    Paul’s simple philosophy on living with the virus, and how to make the most of the second chance that treatment can give you, might just change your life.

    Through a guided process of self-examination, HIV Happy can show you how you can begin to shift your thinking and empower yourself to take control of today, tomorrow and the future. HIV Happy is available from Amazon and bookshops priced at £7.99.