Photographer Ulrich Oehmen has an obsession with bodybuilders and male fitness models.
We’re not talking about regular gym-going guys who’ve got a few muscles, Ulrich is addicted to photographing those hyper muscular men whose bodies are ripped and shredded, vascular and veiny, with striated muscles straining under paper-thin skin. He has enormous respect for the models he photographs and for the work they put in to get where they are, and to get how big they are. “They are sculptors and sculpture at the same time,” he says.
Ulrich says he enjoys nothing more than looking for muscle guys to photograph, and has travelled to 45 countries in his search for the next big thing. This quest has resulted in an extraordinary collection of photographs of the world’s most amazing bodybuilders and muscle models, and in his striking coffee table book Ulrich shares some of those images and gives us an up-close look at these magnificent men and their amazing bodies.
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• Dynamite is published by Bruno Gmunder Verlag
We’ve got a copy of Dynamite up for grabs! If you’d like the chance to win it just email your name and contact details to [email protected] with Dynamite Competition in the subject field, or post your entry to QXMEN, Dynamite Competition, 23 Denmark Street, Soho, London WC2H 8NH. The competition closes on Friday May 31st at 5pm and the winner will be picked at random… Good luck! Sorry guys, but the competition’s only open to UK residents.