I heard about something really exciting a few days ago when I met up with Andy O’Neil, Executive Producer from one of QXMEN’s favourite British studios FreshSX…
Our meeting was at their studio and, not only did Andy give me a behind the scenes tour, I also had the opportunity to meet up with a couple of models who were filming that day… Woof!
As we chatted, Andy told me about a new venture by FreshSX which has come about following a substantial number of requests from members of their website.
It’s come to light that there’s a lot of guys out there who’ve always fantasised about appearing in a porn film.
But, for various reasons, the fantasy had always remained just that, a fantasy. So FreshSX has launched Fantasy Studios, the company that effectively turns these guys’ fantasies into a reality. By utilising the skills of a producer and cameraman, anybody can now become a porn star; the only difference being only one copy of the DVD is made.
For guys who don’t have a partner, a solo movie can be produced or apartner can be acquired from the selection of models available via Fantasy Studios.
When I asked Andy about all the guys out there who’ve not been blessed with the good looks and body of a model, or a particularly large endowment, he assured me that age, size or shape would not prevent a first class movie being produced.
I have to admit that I was really impressed to hear that we can all fulfil the fantasy of being a porn star for a day without fear of rejection or ridicule… It really does sounds like a first class idea to me.
Hmmm, now I’ve been wondering what to buy my gorgeous boyfriend for his birthday next month and a gift voucher from Fantasy Studios for our very own movie sounds like just the ticket!
• Further information and pricing can be obtained at www.fantasystudios.co.uk