A unique and strikingly detailed insight into the life of one of art’s most interesting and controversial figures.
The latest new release from Germanic coffee table connoisseurs Bruno Gmunder is a visually stunning and historically intriguing work of art. It chronicles the various nefarious escapades of gay art legend Bernard Perlin.
A contentious and controversial figure on the mid 20th century American art scene, Perlin and his work were unapologetically and shockingly gay at a time when it was still seen as morally and legally questionable.
He was a much-lauded and well known figure in the intriguing world of 40s and 50s gay society, moving among other legends like Truman Capote, Leonard Bernstein and Jerome Robbins.
In One-Man Show, Michael Schreiber chronicles his extraordinary life, with interviews and examples of his art, as well as never-before-seen exerpts from unpublished memoirs, and intimate photographs.
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• To order a copy, go to www.brunogmuender.com