
Keeping you up to date with the latest in gay sex, from hardcore gay sex parties to sex product reviews. Rounding up the biggest events on the gay scene, bringing you pictures from the naughty frontline. Not sure whether to check out some nasty night that’s tickled your fancy? We’ve got you covered with our roundups of the evening, along with photos of everything that went down. We also have nasty twink Topher Taylor road test some of the latest gear to come on the market, and he’s going to tell you exactly what you should and shouldn’t be picking up.

Our experienced contributors make their way through every route a horny guy can go down, and all the ways us guys get off. If you’ve ever been curious of exploring your dark side then be sure to check out our stuff on the more out-there fetishes, from scallys to the pop scene.


Be a good boy and go FETCH! Welcome to gay London’s lifestyle superstore, selling all things fashion, fetish, and fun.That means: underwear, swimwear, sportswear,...

Maspalomas Fetish Week

Maspalomas Fetish Week is coming, from Friday 4th to Sunday 13th October 2019! Maspalomas is the world’s #1 gay destination in autumn and winter...

Smokin’ Hot Prowler Red

Prowler Red, situated on the corner of London’s LEGENDARY Old COMPTON Street & Dean Street, is Soho’s definitive fetish store! On their ground floor...

Subscribe to QXMEN

If you don’t win Spot the Ball, don’t fret! You can still take out an annual subscription to QXMEN, which means you’ll never miss...


21/04/2019: Brut at Bloc South is the place to go if you’re into hot horny guys wearing not very many clothes. Let’s be honest, how...

Fetish Focus: Fetish Wrestling

Considering that wrestling involves getting up close and personal with your opponent, it’s not that surprising that there’s a fetish sub-culture attached to this...

The Bunker London

Zone 1’s best-kept dirty secret, The Bunker London is a fully-equipped and atmospheric dungeon play space, housed in an authentic World War 2 bunker....

Spot The Ball

It’s just a load of bollocks really - and that’s all you have to look out for! If you want QXMEN shoved through your...

Subscribe to QXMEN

If you don’t win Spot the Ball, don’t fret! You can still take out an annual subscription to QXMEN, which means you’ll never miss...

Squirt #Censorshipsucks, the completely uncensored hookup/cruising site for gay, bi, and curious men who want to skip the pretense of dating and get right to...

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