
Keeping you up to date with the latest in gay sex, from hardcore gay sex parties to sex product reviews. Rounding up the biggest events on the gay scene, bringing you pictures from the naughty frontline. Not sure whether to check out some nasty night that’s tickled your fancy? We’ve got you covered with our roundups of the evening, along with photos of everything that went down. We also have nasty twink Topher Taylor road test some of the latest gear to come on the market, and he’s going to tell you exactly what you should and shouldn’t be picking up.

Our experienced contributors make their way through every route a horny guy can go down, and all the ways us guys get off. If you’ve ever been curious of exploring your dark side then be sure to check out our stuff on the more out-there fetishes, from scallys to the pop scene.

Spy Guy

GuySpy is one of the the fastest-growing online social networks for men who like men, utilizing the smartest GPS technology and delivering features that...

Spot the Ball

Catch the bollock, catch the bollock, catch the bollock.. It’s just like “Catch the Pigeon” but with testes! If you want QXMEN shoved through...


Clonezone is the UK and Europe’s FIRST Gay superstore. They first appeared on the UK Gay scene in 1982 – with a wheelbarrow of...

THT HIV Transmitions to Zero

The UK Government has announced it is committing to ending new HIV transmissions in England by 2030. The announcement was made by the Secretary...

CloneZone’s Topher Taylor Road Test… the Duke

Happy February, guys. It’s Valentines month and I don’t know about you but I am tired of couples being targeted on the 14th February....

Subscribe to QXMEN

If you don’t win Spot the Ball, don’t fret! You can still take out an annual subscription to QXMEN, which means you’ll never miss...

CloneZone’s Topher Taylor Road Tests… the Nexus Sceptre

Nexus always get it right. Last year, I remember hearing discussions about a rotating probe being developed, so I was naturally very curious. I’ve...

Subscribe to QXMEN

If you don’t win Spot the Ball, don’t fret! You can still take out an annual subscription to QXMEN, which means you’ll never miss...

Spot the Ball

Catch the bollock, catch the bollock, catch the bollock.. It’s just like “Catch the Pigeon” but with testes! If you want QXMEN shoved through...

Fetish Week London 2019

Starting on July 7th, Fetish Week London takes over the UK’s capital once a year bringing all the sleaze you’d expect, plus some exciting...

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