
Keeping you up to date with the latest in gay sex, from hardcore gay sex parties to sex product reviews. Rounding up the biggest events on the gay scene, bringing you pictures from the naughty frontline. Not sure whether to check out some nasty night that’s tickled your fancy? We’ve got you covered with our roundups of the evening, along with photos of everything that went down. We also have nasty twink Topher Taylor road test some of the latest gear to come on the market, and he’s going to tell you exactly what you should and shouldn’t be picking up.

Our experienced contributors make their way through every route a horny guy can go down, and all the ways us guys get off. If you’ve ever been curious of exploring your dark side then be sure to check out our stuff on the more out-there fetishes, from scallys to the pop scene.

MEO is one of the leading providers of erotic items (that’s probably the classiest way we could have put that). Since 1997 the Germany-based...

CumUnion @ Splash Leisure

Splash Spa & Leisure is one of the largest saunas in Leicester & the East Midlands for gay and bisexual men, a perfect place...

Base & Basement Saunas

Basement Manchester is part of the UK’s premier sauna group which includes Basement Manchester, Base Leeds and Base Newcastle. They’re open 24 hours a...

Gear London Discount Card

Launched 8 years ago, fetish emporium GEAR’s customer card offers a great range of perks! On top of receiving a 5% discount on regular...


It’s TOO HOT for the app store! Whether you’re at home or travelling abroad, is the perfect site to meet guys who are...

Trough XXXmas Party

08/12/2018: Since it popped over from Antipodean climes a couple of years ago, Trough has worked up a right reputation for being one of the...

XXL Lumberjack

15/12/2018: Flannel in Winter? GROUNDBREAKING. Well it was Lumberjack night over at XXL, and we turned up in our best plaid shirt, but it seems...

Mastery 5th Birthday

One of London’s hottest and hardest Leather nights is turning five years old! Brew Hunter - possibly the sexiest London Leather Man around - first...

Getting Into Fetish: Japanese Bondage

As the global gay fetish community has converged over time, so too have a variety of fetishes from different parts of the world. Forms...

Gear London Birthday

GEAR London, the Berlin branch’s slutty sister is a one-stop-spot to shop for all your fetish needs. They’re having a big bash to celebrate...

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