
Keeping you up to date with the latest in gay sex, from hardcore gay sex parties to sex product reviews. Rounding up the biggest events on the gay scene, bringing you pictures from the naughty frontline. Not sure whether to check out some nasty night that’s tickled your fancy? We’ve got you covered with our roundups of the evening, along with photos of everything that went down. We also have nasty twink Topher Taylor road test some of the latest gear to come on the market, and he’s going to tell you exactly what you should and shouldn’t be picking up.

Our experienced contributors make their way through every route a horny guy can go down, and all the ways us guys get off. If you’ve ever been curious of exploring your dark side then be sure to check out our stuff on the more out-there fetishes, from scallys to the pop scene.

XXL Fetish

10/11/2018: Oh, chile. The bears got real damn naughty, real damn quick on Saturday night. We were down to lick some big rubber boots. There’s...

Brut Halloween

26/10/2018: Behind those heavy-duty silver doors lies a world of curiosities. We can confidently say we haven’t seen the Brüt crowd looking quite this curious...

The Top Ten

Have a hole you need filled this holiday season? Here’s ten of our favourite tops! Antonio Biaggi The biggest penis in Puerto Rico, this guy is our...

Splash Spa & Leisure

Splash Spa & Leisure is one of the largest saunas in Leicester & the East Midlands for gay and bisexual men, a perfect place...

Getting Into Fetish: Going for Gunge

Team Recon member OhBilly shares his first-time experience of getting slimy. Getting in the grunge pool seemed to be a foregone conclusion; we all knew...

David Luca

Guten Tag! Hello! Hola! It’s me, that porn actor you’ve never heard of, David Luca. Nice to meet you too. I’m fine thanks for asking. What...

CloneZone’s Topher Taylor Road Tests… The Doxy Prostate Massager

Doxy wands are incredibly powerful. This isn’t some sex-toy-selling-schpeel, the sheer power of a Doxy is both intimidating and arousing. You plug this incredible...

Subscribe to QXMEN

If you don’t win Spot the Ball, don’t fret! You can still take out an annual subscription to QXMEN, which means you’ll never miss...

Spot the Ball

Catch the bollock, catch the bollock, catch the bollock.. It’s just like “Catch the Pigeon” but with testes! If you want QXMEN shoved through...

Wolf Spa 1st Birthday

Wolf Spa Nottingham is turning one year old! Why not take a trip to help them celebrate? Their facilities include a sauna, steam room,...

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