
Keeping you up to date with the latest in gay sex, from hardcore gay sex parties to sex product reviews. Rounding up the biggest events on the gay scene, bringing you pictures from the naughty frontline. Not sure whether to check out some nasty night that’s tickled your fancy? We’ve got you covered with our roundups of the evening, along with photos of everything that went down. We also have nasty twink Topher Taylor road test some of the latest gear to come on the market, and he’s going to tell you exactly what you should and shouldn’t be picking up.

Our experienced contributors make their way through every route a horny guy can go down, and all the ways us guys get off. If you’ve ever been curious of exploring your dark side then be sure to check out our stuff on the more out-there fetishes, from scallys to the pop scene.

Wolf Spa Nottingham

Wolf Spa Nottingham is a discrete space for the alpha male that takes time to look after himself. Their commitment to diversity welcomes all...

Brew Hunter’s MASTERY

Buckle up, because one of London’s hottest and hardest Leather nights is pulling out all the stops for London Leather Week! Mastery has re-ignited...

SM Gays

Looking to learn more about sadomasochism? SM Gays is a not-for-profit social and educational group for gay men interested in consensual, sexual sadomasochism. Meeting...

Libidex Halloween Shopping Event

On Wednesday 24th October, Libidex is inviting 70 people to their famous pop-up shop event a day before opening to the general public! As...


Gay dating app Chappy has had a brand new makeover! The redesign sees the app’s monochrome color scheme replaced with ‘Post-Millennial Peach’ and ‘Modern...

XXL Lumberjack

18/08/2018: We were all limbered up for this inundation of lubarsexualism. All of us have had that fantasy of being lost is in a Norwegian...


25/08/2018: Oh lord Jesus it was a HEAVY night down at Corsica Studios on Saturday 25th. Six DJ sets that kept us two stepping until…...

Amigos Leisure

Hola hombres! Open 7 days a week, Amigos Leisure Sauna boasts all-new facilities making it a safe and clean environment to come play or...

Regulate Yourself

REGULATION is one of the UK’s top gay fetish and bondage specialists. For over 26 years they’ve been helping horny guys get off with...

Porn This Way: Armond Rizzo

Fresh from his HUGE horny show at Suzie Kreuger’s Hard On in August, we caught up with the human Tardis for cock that is...

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